Monday, January 14, 2008

Well let's just see where my rambling thoughts take us today.

I'm eating a very stale snickerdoodle because I love snickerdoodles oh so much. I lost a pound over the last couple of weeks. I don't like it one bit. I don't feel much like eating the way I used to and it's a real drag. We used to eat out at fancy restaurants all the time but I just don't have the stomach for it anymore because it seems like no matter what meat I order it always arrives raw, not only is raw meat bad for pregnant ladies, but I don't like it. I liked it just fine before I was pregnant! My tastes have changed quite a bit.

So now all I want is fast food cheeseburgers and dairy products, which isn't enough. I'm getting worried about my diet! Day after tomorrow I get to meet my birth group so I'll bring it up then.

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