Thursday, December 27, 2007


I can feel my abdominal muscles stretching. It's a very unique feeling, to say the least! Christmas Eve, after a lovely meal with my brother and sister-in-law, I felt a sharp muscle pain, like I pulled a muscle, only it was in my abdomen and I wasn't doing anything at all. Since then I've had odd pains near my navel and my belly is noticeably bigger.

And I have terrible acne, but not on my face, I have it on my chest, back and belly! And my hair is super greasy all the time! I'm getting it bleached in a couple days, but I read recently that pregnant women should refrain from dyeing their hair at this point in a pregnancy because the hormones sometimes interact with the hair dye. I don't understand why my hormones would affect the dead cells growing on my head so I'm doing it anyway. Besides, I look like hell and I'm vain, goddammit. Isn't it enough that I can't have a Manhattan before dinner anymore? Or a glass of grappa after dinner?

If you see me walking around town with green hair, say hi, okay?

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