Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Oh my hell, I am so tired I could pass out right here in my chair in front of the computer.

With all my bloating, tiredness, and now numb fingers, I've been worried that I might have preeclampsia, but after reading my handy-dandy Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy book I think I really just have some carpal tunnel syndrome, brought on by the swelling in my wrists and hands. My fingers are so swollen that I can't get my wedding band off anymore, which is bad because I'm sure that's going to be a problem pretty soon!!

I'm also pretty cranky because I can no longer garden. Leaning over to get my fingers in the dirt hurts my knees and my belly gets in the way, then when I grab a weed to pull it up I get a pinching sensation from my wrist all down my hand. Gardening is one of my relaxing activities and it's also a great work out for me, so the fact that I can't do it anymore is really disappointing, especially considering there is a giant fern frond sticking out of the top of one of my azaleas that's driving me crazy!

Tonight Mr. Spouse and I are celebrating our one year and nine month wedding anniversary. It was actually yesterday but we had our birthing class until late so we're celebrating tonight instead. We're going to Il Terrazzo Carmine! I'm so excited! Then afterwards we're going to the Zig Zag to see my favorite bartender and challenge him to make me a tasty non-alcoholic and non-carbonated grown up beverage! I haven't seen him since October and I miss him. I bet he suspects why we haven't been in though.

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