Monday, May 19, 2008

Uncomfortable but in good spirits

Overall I think this pregnancy has been going very well. I'm certainly not comfortable these days, but things could be a lot worse, especially considering I got rear-ended last week. My pregnant friend and I were on our way to lunch and this woman in a BMW SUV rear ended us. I think she probably wet her pants when she saw not one but TWO third trimester ladies get out of the car. That poor lady was a wreck, just like my adored yella Jetta.

Fortunately my friend and I are just stiff and our babies seem to be just fine, but the lady who hit us had just sent her son to Iraq the day before. She phoned the night of the accident to check up on me and confessed that she probably shouldn't have been driving that day. It kind of hurts me to think about how she must be feeling because since I'm having a boy, I might one day be in the same situation as her. I support our boys in uniform and all, but I think this war is a pointless waste of lives, and I just wanted to give that poor lady a hug when she told me. I hope he'll be okay.

I don't know if this has anything to do with the accident, but my hips and knees are in bad shape these days! My softening ligaments are making everything I do a nuisance. It hurts to sit in front of the computer too long. It hurts to lay on my side too long. It hurts to walk. It hurts to weed the garden. It hurts to get out of the lounger in the yard!

Forget acid reflux and gas pain, my joints hurt way worse than my other ailments right now!

Mr. Spouse and I started doing perineal massage the other night and that's fairly uncomfortable. The other night when I woke up in the middle of the night with a seized up back he massaged it with my handy dandy um..."massager" for twenty minutes. Thank God I haven't had that pain again!!

I think I might take some more self portraits tomorrow, we'll see how the light looks. I'm tired of taking boring snapshots!

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