Monday, March 24, 2008

It's true, I'm pregnant.

So the fun times are definitely over. I've got a pain just below my ribcage on the left side that's been steadily getting worse for two months. I have cut out dairy to help with the gas, and it makes a huge difference with the gas but this pain is something else. I went to see my quack primary care doctor and he thinks it's heartburn and I think he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. This is the same guy that refused to refer me to my eye doctor when I ended up having a corneal ulcer. The OTC medicine he told me to get put a hole in my cornea within 24 hours. That was rad.

But anyway, I could go on and on about how he needs to go back to school or take a give-a-fuck pill but it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm pregnant and in a pretty good amount of pain!

My folks' visit has been pretty good! I told them we're naming our son Torvald so that when they find out the real name they'll like it better. Mom says if we name him Torvald she's calling him something else. I've been madly running around the house fixing stuff and moving stuff downstairs for storage. I'm hoping to start painting the baby furniture soon, I just need to get the mens to move the dressers around for me!

This constant pain business is making me real cranky. I hate feeling like this!

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