Monday, June 23, 2008


I haven't posted here in a while because being the eternal optimist, it's hard for me to write about stuff when I'm not all happy all the time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to almost be a mother and I'm still really excited to be pregnant, but this third trimester is KICKING MY ASS!!

This morning I decided I needed to spend some quality time in bed relaxing since I didn't sleep more than two hours at a stretch before getting up to pee last night. I stayed in bed until 1pm, when my back hurt so much from laying down that I had to get up. In the meantime, I forgot that I had lunch plans with my friend, so we rescheduled for coffee later this afternoon.

I have hemorrhoids worse than I ever thought possible. Good thing I like prunes so much. I also noticed some brand spankin' new stretch marks that weren't there yesterday, so that's pretty exciting!

I picked off three skin tags last night. It's so weird that I've never had a skin tag until I got pregnant and now I have a ton. Good thing they're so easy to remove!

Good thing feeling the baby move inside me is so delightful. He's getting so strong that sometimes he kicks hard enough to make me yell. I think he changed positions yesterday too.

I'm cutting down on my social engagements, which is fantastic. I've been having a hard time remembering them, then I do too much and get exhausted, but then at night I'm too hyper to fall asleep, and I can't sleep more than two hours at a time anyway. It's like I sleep better during the day when I'm dehydrated or something!!

I'm still seeing Marie from every Friday afternoon. She calls me her muse! I've always wanted to be someone's muse! You can see some of her paintings, photos and sketches of me in her blog. I'm quite flattered that I'm such an inspiration for her, and I'm enamored with more than a couple pieces she's done of me!

Ok, I need to get my act together, it's almost 2:30 and I need to meet my friend for coffee!

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