Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Quincy the Dog.

I found Quincy running around in the street almost a year ago. Since that time my husband and I have been trying our best to fit him into our lives, and now that I'm pregnant I'm having a really hard time keeping up with him.

He's a cocker spaniel and he's very loving, energetic, loves kids, gets along with our cat, and he needs a lot more attention than we've been able to give him. Poor Quincy. We've tried our very best, but clearly this is not the breed for us. If we had kids that were older he would fit in much better in our home, but especially now that I just want to nap all the time the poor dog has more pent up energy getting him into trouble around here than I can handle.

I just can't take it anymore.

For nearly a year now I've been trying to change our lives to fit his better but I realize now that it's just never going to happen, and once the baby is born it's only going to get worse. I'll be chasing the dog around the house picking up poo and cleaning up pee, trying to get baby toys out of his mouth, yelling at the dog to get off the furniture, when a simple daily walk would probably fix the problem. After a year of trying to make that daily walk a priority I am finally resigned to the truth, we're just not the right family for him.

I am slowly wrapping my brain around the possibility of life without him, and it's looking better and better, both for him and for us. It's very sad.

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