Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Daydreaming at naptime

Henry is taking his nap, and I'm daydreaming about what kind of bed we will need when the new baby comes. If it's a girl, she will need her own room to help contain the explosion of inevitable pink, and I think a daybed would be perfect! If it's a boy, they can share a room and bunk beds will be perfect! I just realized I've already looked at both on craigslist today!

We had our big nuchal transparency sonogram yesterday. It was nice to see the little bean hopping around in there, everything in it's place and the little heart going like mad! The technician said my placenta is at the back of my uterus, and when I told her I thought I felt the baby kicking already she said that's entirely possible! I've been feeling movement in there for at least two weeks but I didn't believe it.

Looks like my due date is about a week earlier than we thought, so that means my first trimester is officially over! Thank god!! I hope I feel as good during this second trimester as I did with Henry! He's been a real peach through all this.

Except for the nursing! Ouch! It's been so uncomfortable since I got pregnant!! So far most people have been supportive of my nursing while pregnant, which is great. Henry loves it and I really want to continue nursing until he's at least two. With this flu season this winter I think it's especially important. We will see how he feels once my milk changes, and if my supply drops!

I've been feeling pretty good lately, or so I thought until shortly after my 36th birthday when I bought myself some extremely expensive irrational shoes. Who knows how long I will be able to wear them before my feel swell up again. What was I thinking?!

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