Friday, January 04, 2008

Eleven weeks

Today was a lovely day, I got to meet one of the midwives at my new clinic today! I explained to her that I've had three ultrasounds and I'm only eleven weeks pregnant today, and she was curious to know why. I told her my doctor wanted to see what was going on with my little seamonkey in there. She was worried.

The midwife explained that the difference between a doctor and a midwife is that a doctor sees pregnancy as a medical problem, whereas a midwife sees it as a normal life event. This is why I am excited to be seeing a midwife instead of a doctor. This is my first pregnancy. I am not here for the convenience of anyone. I am going to pay a medical professional a fuckton of money to make sure this pregnancy is going well and deliver my baby, and I want to be treated special. I never once felt like I could ask my doctor any questions, because she was just too busy.

The midwifery clinic I'm going to does a sort of community medical care arrangement, which sounds totally hippie, but I think it's going to be cool. All of the patients that are due the same month get together for two hours each month and take our own blood pressure and weight and stuff, then we sit around and ask questions of the midwives in front of everyone else (which is good for me because I always forget to ask questions), and in the meantime all of us new parents get to make new friends and share experiences.

Mr. Spouse and I will be going to our first one on January 16 and when I tried to explain the meeting to him I couldn't help but say, "And all the expecting parents share their experiences and sing songs while holding hands!"

He looked genuinely horrified.

On Monday we get the big fancy ultrasound where they measure the seamonkey's neural tube, and they'll take my blood. We still haven't heard the heartbeat, so I hope we get to do that! I hear it's super neat! I'm so glad my husband is able to come to these appointments with me. He sounds a little skeptical about the midwife, so I really wish I had brought him to the meet n greet with her today. I won't make that mistake again.


Unknown said...

Which midwife clinic are you going with?

Rose Algren said...

We're going to one in Ballard, it seems pretty great.

Unknown said...

Cool - delivering at Swedish Ballard, I take it?

For me, midwife attending my labor in the hospital was the best of both worlds - as few interventions as possible, with the comfort of knowing doctors/medicine/etc was immediately available if needed (fortunately, it wasn't).