Monday, January 21, 2008

yoga, water aerobics and lamaze

Now that I'm officially out of my first trimester, I've been meaning to look into the different classes that I should take but I keep getting distracted with video games every time I sit down to the computer. Tonight I managed to tear myself away from the game long enough to finally start my search.

All I want is a place close by where I can take my pregnant belly for some prenatal yoga classes that also has water aerobics classes and lamaze or other birthing classes.

So far I can't find a single place in Seattle that does prenatal water aerobics, the prenatal yoga pickins are slim, and the birthing classes are all miles away during rush hour. This is most vexing. Google is not helping me at all. It seems every time I type in search words on Google they lead me astray, regardless of what the subject is. I was searching for a good picture of a buckskin jacket and Google didn't have any good illustrations of what I mean! Can you imagine the gall?

Anyway, it looks like if I want to have the fitness plan I've been hoping for I'll have to sign up for classes at two different gyms plus sign up for birthing classes at a third location in Timbuktu. I live in Soccer Mom Central, for crying out loud! I would have thought there would be more resources for me here!



Unknown said...

I really like Seattle Holistic Center. They have a good selection of prenatal yoga class times.

It's mainly a yoga studio, but they do offer some birthing-type classes as well.

D and I still go there for Mom and Tot yoga. :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!