Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hummina hummina hummina

I was attending a Microsoft holiday party tonight with my best friend and totally had a blast! We were playing blackjack and the totally hot Asian lady dealer was hitting on me. I was a little flustered!

At the end of the night I went to use the bathroom and she was using the sink when I walked in. She greeted me with a rather alarming "HAI!!!" and I tried to flirt with her but I had to pee too badly. We continued chatting as I entered a stall, and when I was done there was BLOOD IN THERE!

BLOOD IN THE TOILET!! NOOO!!! That explains the weird cramps I was having earlier...

I spent the last hour online looking up "spotting first trimester." If the cramps and bleeding persist I'll be making a call to my doctor, so I don't think I'll be doing much sleeping tonight.

Apparently spotting occurs in one in four pregnancies, and half of those end in miscarriage, according to Dr. Spock. We may be fine, but both Mr. Spouse and I are undoubtedly concerned.

Plus, I'm still having cramps. What a fine end to a lovely evening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had some spotting as well - scary stuff!