Saturday, August 18, 2007

Upon further investigation, it appears instead of a four week cycle, I have a six week cycle. I spent a lot of time in my twenties scared to death that I was pregnant for this reason.

This means I have to wait two more weeks before I can find out if I'm pregnant. How vexing.

I wanna know now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought you were ovulating two weeks ago?

The fertile part of any woman's cycle is pretty much always 2 weeks before her period. So if you were ovulating two weeks ago, you should be getting your period soon (unless you're pregnant, or were mistaken about ovulation).

If you have a six-week cycle and your last period was about 4 weeks ago, then you should be ovulating about now, not two weeks ago.

(A more detailed explanation.)

Good luck, at any rate! :)