Thursday, August 09, 2007

ovulation blues

I was ovulating last Saturday. I know because I got the telltale stringy discharge, accompanied by an uncontrollable urge to have sex. This month my husband was standing less than fifteen feet away when I noticed so we took advantage of the circumstances by spending a half hour trying to get pregnant. I prefer to call it, "makin' bunnies."

Today is Thursday and I've been fighting off the urge to burst into tears over the tiniest little thing for twenty-four hours. I hope to god I'm pregnant, otherwise I'll have to come up with another excuse for why I'm feeling so strange. I NEVER cry. I don't like crying.

My brother and sister-in-law just had a baby last week and the cuteness is killing me. My mother is in town to help and tonight we're taking her to dinner and she's spending the night. Tomorrow we're going to estate sales together. It will be my last weekday off for six whole weeks. I'm extremely annoyed that I'm spending my last days of the summer on the verge of tears. My to-do list is still miles long!

I hope to god I'm pregnant. My period isn't due for another week and a half so I can't blame it on PMS!

Oh god, I have to go mom-proof the house!!


Leslie said...

Oooo I hope you are preggie as well!

Anonymous said...

We called specifically procreative sex: Lizard Hunting. Now we have a Lizard hatching. :)