Friday, September 18, 2009

I don't remember being this nauseous last time, dammit! Piss pie! It doesn't seem to matter what I eat, how much or how often. I just feel bleah.

And how weird is it to have braces while pregnant at nearly 36 years old?

Can I just say how much I'd like to get sloppy drunk right now? I wanna go on a bender! But I suppose I'll wait a few years for that. Meh.

I decided today that even though I am almost 36 and I have braces, I still would like people to treat me with the respect I deserve, and I think I could dress the part a little better. So I went shopping and bought a new grown up coat. I think this is the second new coat I've bought myself since moving out of my parents house in 1992. Go me. I got it home and realized that it's super boring. Maybe I'll dress it up with a snazzy vintage pin!

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